Wednesday, February 29, 2012

The History Of Boob Town

It was 10,000bc. People of that time loved boobs. They worship them. Some unlucky few who were flat chested, or should i say BOOBLESS, were forced to be slaves and servants. The bigger the boob, the more powerful you are. All this only happen in a BOOB TOWN. It's located in a place so mysterious, it's not on the map. Actually, it's not on the map because people think that it's too sick. The only problem in the world at that time was that there was no sun nor moon! People lived in darkness everyday, not knowing the time. As time pass by, people wanted to see sunlight. So they went to a temple...

People: Oh your holy Boobyness! Please help us! We just want to see abit of light! Light from the SUN!!

P.s they were praying to a set of real human boobs. It is well preserved till today. It belonged to the founder of this place.

Boobyness: I cannot help you...

Before it could continue, it was interrupted

People: BUT YOU ARE OUR GOD! IF YOU CAN'T HELP US, WHO CAN?! Don't make us squeeze out all your milk!
Boobyness: Okayokay! CHILL PEOPLE. Only one person in this place can help you all... And that person holds a great responsibility. She will have to make a big sacrifice... If she doesn't agree to my request, there's nothing i can do.

Suddenly, the boob's nipples popped off and landed on a girl's hand. The girl was SELINEHBU. She had the biggest, most circle-ish and bounciest boobs in town.

Selinehbu: Eew! What is this? Grape? OH! I want to eat it! YUM!
Boobyness: THAT'S MY NIPPLE YOU FOOL. You, my dear girl, is THE CHOSEN ONE.
Selinehbu: Oh my god! What must i do? I feel so honored! I will do ANYTHING to help! :D
Boobyness: You will have to sacrifice your... BOOBS.

The people didn't care. They were really desperate for sunlight and were sick of Selinehbu showing off her boobs! They grabbed her and cut off her boobs. Then they put the boobs infront of Boobyness. It mumbled a few words and suddenly... One of the boobs turned rock hard. The other started glowing and fire formed around it. Slowly, both rised towards the sky.


The boobs rised and rised. That was how the Sun and Moon was created. From then on, since Selinehbu lost her boobs, she had to become a slave and work all day long... One day when she died, people wanted to just let her rot but the Boobyness forbid them to do so. It wants the people to join them both together and become the greatest Goddess of all!!! When boobless people go there and pray, their breast will pop out! It's so amazing! It will literally POP OUT. From then on, since no one in boob world had to be slaves, everyone lived happily ever after.


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